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Lindahne Series / The Darkling Hills / Lori Martin

CHF 9.00 Inkl. 8.1% MWSt

In the ancient land of the Five Hills, the worshippers of Nialia, the Goddess of Fate, see the future in fire and smoke. But the followers of Armas, the god of strength and power, are rooted in the past and have a practical understanding of the present. Among the Nialians, the seers of the future, they are forbidden to marry. For a child born of such love will be godlike and have all time and knowledge in its grasp, and the mortal coil will not be able to contain it. Death or madness will be the result, and a great destruction will come upon the hills…. Now, in the first year of the King’s Sixth Reign, the warning signs of coming disaster are mounting. A challenge to royal supremacy is growing stronger and more cunning in the corridors of the palace, while the enemy across the border is secretly preparing for war against them. Dalleena, the young royal heiress, finds that her once strong powers of prophecy are failing. To protect her country, she knows only that she must commit a great crime and heresy – risking her own life and that of her lover.


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Book 1 / Signet / Tb / Fantasy / Englisch

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