1 – 15 / Serie kompl. / Tokyopop / Manga / Shonen / Action Comedy Drama Fiction Humor Romance / Paperback / Englisch
Nr. 1, 2 : Second printing
CHF 750.00 Inkl. 8.1% MWSt
Onizuka Eikichi and Danma Ryuji are best buddies waiting for their love life to bloom, but in order to do this they must cast aside their delinquent ways. Eikichi and Ryuji clean up their act, transfer to a new school, and become hard-working students. This act successfully attracts the ladies, but it also attracts other delinquents. With their lives constantly under threat, Eikichi and Ryuji’s secret identity as the infamous Oni Baku biker gang is revealed! The end result? Trouble! With danger abounding, the Oni Baku duo face the odds and ends of love while solving all of life’s problems with aggressive violence!
1 – 15 / Serie kompl. / Tokyopop / Manga / Shonen / Action Comedy Drama Fiction Humor Romance / Paperback / Englisch
Nr. 1, 2 : Second printing
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