Berkley Fantasy / Tb / Fantasy Fiction Horror / Englisch
CHF 10.00 Inkl. 8.1% MWSt
What happens when fantasy role-playing becomes real at the table? A Hobgoblin! That’s what!
Scotty Gardiner is a dapper boy from a wealthy family who has recently moved to a lower-class suburb after the untimely death of his father. His mother, the attractive Barbara Gardiner, writes down the troubled history of a local castle, which also happens to be the centrepiece of the story’s setting. It is here that Scotty loses sight of reality and slowly drifts into the fantastic fictional world of Hobgoblin, the role-playing game that engulfs his every thought.
With elements of high school bullying, violence, murder and otherworldly fantasy, Hobgoblin stays true to both the horror genre and the intricacies of tabletop gaming, made even more popular in part by the Dungeons and Dragons elements of the Netflix series Stranger Things.
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Berkley Fantasy / Tb / Fantasy Fiction Horror / Englisch
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