Penguin / Tb / Fantasy Historical / Englisch
CHF 10.00 Inkl. 8.1% MWSt
The story does not simply retell the myth, it tells about people who live under difficult constellations and try in their own way to make the best of it. Everyone goes their individual way, even in the world determined by the gods. “Rheingold” is therefore not only the story of the Wälsungen, of Sigmund, Siglind and Sigfrid, the dragon slayer, a story about the greed for power, the hope for love and the desire to live in harmony with divine laws. It is also the story of mythical creatures and gods who gather themselves and their own for a final battle before their time also runs out. The fates of the humans and the gods are closely interwoven. The gods show human needs and the humans have magical abilities. Both are so closely connected that their downfall is also inevitably linked.
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Penguin / Tb / Fantasy Historical / Englisch
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