Tandem / Tb / Dokumentation Science Fiction / Englisch
CHF 10.00 Inkl. 8.1% MWSt
Flying saucers, UFOs, big fireballs! Where do they come from? What do they want? Why has the Air Force adopted a policy of silence and ridicule? Do UFOs hold the key to the future of mankind? Do they explain secrets of the past? Are they merely natural phenomena? Or is planet Earth actually visited by strangers from the sky? This 1966 UFO classic opened the discussion with hard-to-ignore accounts from people with nothing to gain, including: A well-known Jesuit priest and astronomer. An American astronaut who photographed a UFO during a manned space flight. A nine-year-old Brazilian girl who watched a saucer sink into a suddenly boiling river. Brad Steiger is the author of 182 books on the subjects of UFOs, psychic phenomena and spirituality.
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Tandem / Tb / Dokumentation Science Fiction / Englisch
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