The Mysterious Press / HC / Krimi Mystery / Englisch
Dust jacket / Bookplate stamp on endpapers
CHF 25.00 Inkl. 8.1% MWSt
Ex-Newt York Cop Bryan Murphy as begun a healthy but dull new life in Los Angeles, recovering from a heart attack. When ex-con Tray Detaglio asks him to help locate his former girlfriend Kathryn Daily (who may have mothered his child), Murphy jumps at the chance to exercise his detective skills. — Only a few city blocks away, Dwight St. John and Chris Moore (cellmates on the inside and roommates on the Outside) are scheming and dreaming big dreams — dreams that go beyond the occasional liquor store heitst. One day in a bar, that same Kathryn Daily offers them an opportunity — a big opportunity — that will pay for all their dreams forever.
The Mysterious Press / HC / Krimi Mystery / Englisch
Dust jacket / Bookplate stamp on endpapers
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