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Ballad of a Shinigami / Asuka Izumi / K-Ske Hasegawa

CHF 60.00 Inkl. 8.1% MWSt

Ballad of a Shinigami mainly revolves around a young girl called Momo, who is a shinigami or goddess of death. Momo is dressed all in white and has long white hair. As the god of death, she accompanies the deceased souls to the other side. She carries a large scythe and an ID card that identifies her as a Shinigami; her Shinigami ID number is A-100100. Momo tries to alleviate the suffering of the people she meets, whether they are living or dead, by transmitting messages from the dead to the living. She is also known to cry a lot, and she says that she cries for the dead because they can no longer do so. Momo is accompanied by a talking black cat named Daniel with a bell around his neck and bat-like wings, who helps Momo.
Another shinigami who appears in the series is a young girl called An, who is dressed all in black and has black hair. Like Momo, she shows outward emotion towards the living and the dead, but An has a cruel personality and shows no mercy to anyone. Although Shinigami are tasked with transporting souls to the afterlife, An chooses to destroy the souls of the people she kills.


1 – 3 / Serie kompl. / CMX / Manga / Shojo / Drama Fantasy Supernatural / Paperback / Englisch

Nr. 1  :  Second printing

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